

Heavenly Father,

You have called me to be a member 

of the mystical body of your Son, Jesus Christ, 

and to be a temple of the Holy Spirit.


In your goodness, grant unto me 

the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit:


Wisdom, that I may understand

the follies of this life;


Understanding, that I may grasp more fully 

the meaning of my existence 

and the purpose of all things in the world;


Counsel, that I may always choose

the proper way;


Fortitude, that I may remain faithful to you 

under the pressure of temptation; 

Knowledge, that I may always be aware 

of the ways of God;


Piety, that I may revere you in all I do,

Think or say; 

Fear of the Lord,


If the motive of love should fail me, 

that I may be quickly awakened

to the eternal consequences of my deeds.


Come, O Holy Spirit, fill our hearts, 

and enkindle in us the fire of your love. Amen.