

L         Lord, to whom shall we go? 

A         You have the words of eternal life

L         Calling to mind our father and model Saint John Bosco, let us renew our commitment to the Lord. 

A         Lord God, our Father,

Love ever faithful, total and freely bestowed,

you are pleased to make use 

of the service of those you have created

in the unfolding of your saving design.

In free response to your call,

many have cooperated with you

throughout the long history of salvation:

Abraham and Moses, Mary and the Apostles,

and Christian men and women

everywhere in your Church.

           You called St. John Bosco to give himself completely

           in the service of young people. 

and he dedicated himself entirely to the salvation of youth.

You have called us also into the Salesian Family 

to continue his mission.

Lord, we thank you for our vocation.

Give us your Spirit. Keep us faithful to our consecration,

so that freed from our selfishness, 

we may share with young people

the living spirit of our Founder. Amen.

L         Mary, Help of Christians, 

A         Pray for us.