

Spirit of God, give me courage to be true, 

To you in all I say and do. 

Give me your love to keep me sweet, 

To everyone I chance to meet.


Give me your power to keep me strong,

Grant me your presence all day long. 

Give me the faith that I may see, 

How very real you are to me.


Give me wisdom to choose the best, 

Help me to carry out each task with zest. 

Give me vision to see your plan,

Use me, Spirit, wherever you can.


Open my mind to the light of your truth 

In my meditation which proceeds from you. 

Glory be to you and the Father and the Son, 

Who reign all equal while endless ages run.


Let us pray:


Father, may the Spirit who dwells in our hearts give voice to our prayer, 

and guide us in our dialogue with you, that we may

discover the riches of your love.


Change our lives with your grace. 

Give us the courage to be constantly faithful 

in living up to our baptismal and religious consecration, 

in carrying out our particular mission to the young, in the Church and in the world. 

This we ask of you through Christ our Lord. Amen.